
Lake Tuz is the second largest lake in Turkiye.

2 years ago

Lake Tuz is located in the middle of the Anatolian Plateau. It is the largest saltwater lake in inland Turkiye, the second largest lake in Turkiye, and the place where most of Turkiye's edible salt is produced. Tuz Lake is a natural salt lake in Turkiye. It is located 50 kilometers southwest of Ankara. Its area and water depth change with the seasons. In spring, the water surface is wide and the scenery is the most beautiful. It is called Turkiye's "land of the sky".

How did the "Mirror of the Sky" come to be? As the name suggests, salt lakes refer to lakes with higher salinity than seawater, and most of them are located in plateau areas with arid or semi-arid climates and closed valleys. Under these conditions, the lake water gathered in the lake has a higher salinity than ordinary lakes due to strong evaporation and a small amount of water replenishment. The water depth of these salt lakes is not high in the season when the water is more abundant, and the crystallization of the minerals in the lake enhances the reflection effect of the lake surface, thus turning the lake surface into a "mirror of the sky".

Entering the range of the salt lake is the time to take out the camera and press the shutter! The lake water of Tuz Lake will show different appearances with the change of seasons. When the lake surface dries up in summer, it will reveal pink crystals, but in winter it will turn blue. The lake water is about 0.4 meters deep throughout the year.

Tourists who plan to visit Tuz Lake should prepare well before departure, because the strong sunlight in the salt lake area and the reflection of the lake surface can easily cause sunburn. It is recommended to take sunscreen measures and wear sunglasses in advance. If you intend to walk on the lake, it is best to put on slippers to avoid being scratched by the uneven crystals on the bottom of the lake, and you don't have to worry about getting your shoes dirty.

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