
Don't feed it more! It's not hungry at all.

2 years ago

No matter how much food is given, squirrels raised as pets still have the habit of hiding food. This is a genetic memory developed over millions of years and is difficult to change. In addition, humans have not domesticated squirrels for a long time.

Squirrels have a habit of storing food. When the fruit is ripe, it can often be seen with food such as acorns or other nuts in its mouth, and every time it jumps from one pole to another, the food storage increases. It not only collects walnuts and ripe fruits, but also often hangs mushrooms on the tree poles above, and stores them in the warehouse after drying. It does have a great ability to find the right stem and hang the mushrooms on it without falling off when it dries.

In the squirrel's coffers, walnuts and other plant seeds were found, but none of them were rotting or buggy, all of good quality. There are many warehouses of squirrels, but some of them may be damaged by wind, rain and severe winter blizzards, changing their shape and making them impossible to find.

When it gets tired, it goes back to its own nest and thinks. It rests in its well-insulated nest when the night snows and the trees squeak. The convenience of the tree-hole storage room and the adjoining nest makes it starve and freeze to death in winter, so there is no need for hibernation. Squirrels eat a lot in the fall to store energy for hibernation. They stock up on food for fear of not finding it when they wake up in the spring. Even squirrels kept as pets can't change the genes for hiding food.

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